Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hajis, Liberals, and Hippies. Oh My!

Everyone should be preparing for the upcoming day when the liberals declare that our nation can no longer keep pissing off all of the muslims and that we should all learn through mass-cultural sensitivity training (think RED DAWN camps) that islam is they way we should be living and that speaking out against our 'friends' is bad and we should turn in and punish those who do that. That day, is upon us. Al Gore went to Saudi Arabia, where he spoke out to an exclusively arab audience, that the USA was guilty of offending and mistreating muslims and that he wanted to tell them that most of the USA didn't feel that way toward muslims. Well I am here to tell you that much of the USA recognizes the fact that most of the shitbag hajis that flew planes into the WTC and Pentagon were in fact SAUDIS, and MUSLIMS. The majority of the populace also recognizes the fact that the shitbag hajis over in Iraq and Afghanistan that are causing problems are in fact, MUSLIM and many are also SAUDIs. The fuckheads that blew up the USS Cole were MUSLIMS. The assholes beheading civilians and journalists are MUSLIMS. The fucks that are rioting over cartoons are, get this, MUSLIMS! It should come as a shock that these fucks are imposing their beliefs on the entire world and all of you liberals and peace-nik hippies are following along out of fear and the fact that you don't recognize a real threat. If you liberal fucks think for a second you could get away with the shit you pull in this country in an islamic state, I would bet anything to see the look on your smug face as the hajis cut your tongue out and sever your head from your body then toss it to the kids to play soccer with it. It is incumbent upon every citizen in this country and every freedom loving individual on the planet to stand up to these fascists and tell them to shove their prophet up their ass. These haji fucks need to understand that we are not going to bow to their demands much less give them any say-so over how we live our lives. Our press corp should take that to heart as well, as they will be the first to go should the haji's actually succeed. Our press is more wrapped up in a tizzy over cheney shooting a guy than they are in informing the public that islamic fuckheads are trying to kill us on a daily and ongoing basis. If I ever get elected to the preidency, I wouldn't be halfway through my inaugural speech before the first nuclear missiles impacted the targets in the middle east that are constant problems for the world. I know China would be upset with the fallout in their backyard, but I would give them what was left of Iran as a gift to say sorry about the fallout, have some free oil. Likewise, the Saudis would have similar problems as I would tell them once and only once that the next terrorist act, no matter where, would result in the next nuke landing inside their borders. It is time to take a stand people. Exercise your rights and do not let the liberal hippie haji loving fucks in the ACLU take your freedoms away.


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