Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Liberals Suck Again!

The link will disturb you. The fact that there are several states doing this should disturb you more. Apparently, the democrats feel the average american citizen (note: illegal aliens don't apply in this case) doesn't pay enough in taxes to support all of the hand-holding programs the democrats want to have around or to support the fucking homeless assholes or hurricane evacuees sucking the system dry of resources that would be better spent elsewhere. There are states, led by democrats, including my home state which decided to vote in yet another douchebag democrat Tim Kaine, that feel that if you get a traffic ticket, you should now pay a tax for the offense in addition to the fines, court costs, etc. To even think this is a good idea defies all logic. Sure it brings money into the state, but it also is another burden on the citizenry who have to pay this exorbitant fee. I know I am not alone in the country when I say that over 50% of my income is snatched by the taxman BEFORE I ever see it. Also, I pay gas tax, property tax, sales tax, food tax, and other taxes too numerous to name after the government takes its overtly large chunk out of my check. When tax season rolls around, I don't get my money back either, if anything, I am told I am lucky I don't OWE MORE! This is ridiculous. If you live in any state that is doing this or trying to do this, get ahold of everyone and get this shit repealed or overturned. I am not a bad driver, haven't had a ticket in about 12 years, but this is too much. How about we start taxing democrats, since they want taxes raised and hand-holding programs for all the so-called downtrodden of society. That's a tax I could get behind and would have no problem with it being raised every year. Mostly because I am not a democrat. Fuck Tim Kaine, fuck him up his stupid ass and all his liberal lackeys too.


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