Friday, February 17, 2006

PETA Strikes Again!

PETA tried getting legislation enacted in Virginia to erect markers on a highway where pigs died. Not cops or citizens, pigs. Walking bacon. Living pork chops. These nutjob lunatics believe that the swine that have been killed on the roads should have the same cermonial memorial privilidges given the unlucky people killed on the highways. These PETA fuckwits are apparently not in touch with reality, and should have full lobotomies given to them to prevent any other outbreaks of idiocy from occurring. I will pay for any PETA member to get their brain scrambled, just contact me and we will make arrangements. If you are a PETA person, and want to chat with me about my affinity for shooting woodland animals, let's get together and I will show you my candy cane flavored shotgun with peppermint shotshells.


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