Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Sinister Plan Of The Liberal

Let's review, Hillary Clinton withheld her associates suicide note for three full days without a press release or notifying her husband, the president because she fely it wasn't the right time and decisions had to be made. She withheld documents and evidence during the whitewater investigations, and she wasn't even holding an office. Now she is saying the bush administration has a pattern of witholding information and they should be ashamed? Hey Hillary, GO FUCK YOURSELF! Shove a splintered broomstick up that rotten, cobweb covered venus flytrap you call a vagina and shut your two faced mouth. The media has also joined the chorus catterwalling over the fact that the VP went to Fox News to release teh information about his hunting accident, and they have been ranting ever since. The so-called 'people's right to know' was taken care of, these whiny liberal fucks are just throwing a hissy fit because they weren't able to throw a bunch of unrelated questions at the VP in some circus like 'press conference'. I hope you 'journalists' get drug resistant gonorrhea and herpes of the eye. Why don't you fucks cover important shit, like the haji's trying to kill us and the constant assault on our way of life by the communist organization, ACLU. While I am on this, why isn't there a big push to unite with other countries to show a solid front against the nutjob haji jihadists that are encroaching on our cultures? The liberals in this country need to wake the fuck up and start ringing the alarm bells because haji is coming. Don't bother coming to me for help, you will be considered 'meat' for my survival when that time comes. Liberals-the vegetable alternative.


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