Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ted Kennedy Kills Another Woman Using The Big Dig

And I am sure he will get away with it. All of you liberals out there need to wake up and get rid of that whole crew running the socialist republic of massachusetts before they bankrupt and kill you all. It doesn't take 20 years to build a tunnel, much less a highway. The BILLIONS of dollars that Kennedy and Kerry have earmarked for highway funds in past legislation to keep getting kickbacks and pad their retirement accounts needs to be stemmed. If the people in Boston can't figure out how to build and complete this project, it needs to be scrapped or someone with the ability to do the job needs to be brought in. The fact that the governor sacked the head of the highway department and the scene is being handled as a crime scene should tell you something. The lady who died will likely never be avanged, and the bloated politicians that have been thriving on the contract kickbacks for the better part of 20 years will likely never face justice. Just goes to show you how wonderful liberals are. They kill people and get away with it. If you don't believe me, ask Mary Jo Kopechne or any of the Clinton's friends. By the way, they are all dead too. Fucking liberals.


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