Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hamas Is About To Really Recognize Israel

Just not the way they thought they would. Israel has already cut the power and water to the whole Gaza strip, and blown up three bridges and the only power station they have. This means all of those little Hamas fucks and all of their little jihadi supporters have no water, and no power, it is well over 100 degrees, and they are now going to get fucked. The israelis have even done a fly-by of the syrian president's house to let him know they are going to shove a rocket in his ass if they don't get their guy back. With any luck, they will push all of those fucks right into the sea and send the message that the west bank and golan heights haji fucks better watch their asses or they get it next. For those of you who haven't noticed, I have a new link up for a great site: The Religion of What a great site! It documents all sorts of shit haji's around the world are doing and it is quite disturbing. Hope you all check it out and see exactly what these haji's have in mind for the world.


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