Thursday, July 06, 2006

New Fashion From Paris; Children As Accessories!

Ok, I couldn't resist, mostly because of my co-worker (you know who you are, jerk) had to exacerbate the aneurism I was suffering and repeated the most horrible thing I had heard in a while- Paris Hilton wants CHILDREN. I think that I had three major strokes when I read that, and then as the pain was subsiding, my dear co-worker brings it up: 'Hey, did you hear Paris Hilton wants..." I pretty much lost my mind there. I thought I was going to die as this surely is the rapture come to take us all. In NO way, should Paris Hilton EVER, be allowed to breed. I don't think my balls could take that. This is the same idiot who couldn't understand why the airlines refused her a seat when she tried to board with six wild animals that she has as pets. This is the same fucking airheaded idiot who uses pets as accessories for her outfits when she goes out on the town. The same fucking waste of GODDAMNED SPACE, THAT CAN'T FIGURE OUT SIMPLE FUCKING THINGS like animals require food and water and don't like being STUFFED INTO PURSES!!!!!!! Jeez, why can't someone just kill this bitch so no more can be made? I can see the newest show on FOX next year, "BAD MOM DECATHALON: Who can harm their children more?" It will have Anjelina Jolie, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Courtney Love competing with their fuck trophies against each other in simple contests. Little events like setting the kid on the counter next to a boiling pot of gravy and then walking away. OR letting the child use a steam iron unsupervised. OR the main event, carrying the kid, talking on the phone, signing autographs, running from cameramen and drinking alcohol, all at the same time and they do it for time and distance. I would watch it, and I think it would blow American Idiot out of the water. Let's hope this bimbo gets drunk again and runs herself over with her fucking dented bentley and puts herself out of commission.


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