Thursday, July 06, 2006

Evict Cindy Sheehan!

Apparently, starving yourself will kill brain cells and hinder your judgement. Not that cindy shithead ever had a brain or good judgement. This fruity bitch is on a hunger strike to try and make the government bring all the troops home. I hope she fucking starves to death and the day after she dies, they say 'ya know, maybe we should bring home the troops. That would be swell.' Again, it demonstrates the fact that most people are fucking sheep and need to be dealt with as such. I would like nothing more than to see a giant ball of frozen airplane sewage hit that fuckstick square in the face while she is whining on TV to her hippie fan base. The sad thing is, that most of her audience are kids who can't fucking vote and are too stupid to know what the real situation is in the world today. Somebody grab the brain bleach and pour a generous amount into that gene pool. Maybe killing that dumb whore is too extreme; maybe we should escort her to the nearest border and throw her over it. I would like to offer my services; my business services that is, to any liberal or like minded person including cindy sheehan. Look me up, my company website is: I will help you move . com. I will come to you, pack your things and move you out of this horrible, horrible country so you can enjoy the freedoms you think you have elsewhere. The only conditions I have for my services are you must give me your passport, birth certificate, social security card, and all other forms of government identification that would identify you as a US citizen. I will not keep them, rather you will insert them into an industrial cross cut shredder and the resulting shreds will then be burned. This ensures you don't come back and are free to live the unoppressed life anywhere but here. I also only go to the nearest border, in my case, that is the Atlantic ocean so please be a strong swimmer. Man I fucking hope this bitch falls victim to a nasty cheesegrating accident and dies. Fucking liberal assclowns.


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