Friday, July 07, 2006

The Haji Prison Radicalization Problem Solved!

The europeans are realizing as are the powers that be in the U.S. that there are a number of prisoners that are being converted and programmed to the violent radical islamic mindset while behind bars. These newly trained and violent haji fucks are then recruiting others and when they are released, go on their merry way of plotting to kill everyone that they don't like. I can solve the problem easily. EXECUTE MORE PRISONERS! It is really that easy. Instead of allowing these fucks to waste our money and resources and tax our legal system to the breaking point, we could just kill them more rapidly. No more endless years of appeals and overtures to the public for mercy; just a swift and painful execution. Of course, we make the death penalty part of the prime time line up and I think we would have a hit. If you committed a violent crime, you get one appeal, if it fails-you die that night. Of course, the less violent offenders are also at risk of this behavioural conversion so we dump them off on an atoll out in the middle of the ocean and allow them to live out the rest of their lives in peace with their ilk, and no more worries. We don't have to feed them, provide them shelter, nothing. They will have everything they need on that little patch of sand. Of course they will have to figure it out on their own so I suspect Darwin will take his toll, but so what? Let's just start showing the world that we do in fact have the stones to make them miserable and that if they continue to fuck with us we will stomp a hole in their chest. Start a campaign of attrition that they cannot recover from. It is the only thing they respect. If they blow up a bus, we evaporate one of their cities. If they hijack a plane, we destroy their entire food supply. Eventually, they will stop because they cannot compete on a large scale with us. Even the russians had a hard time doing that. It is time to take off the gloves and show them what it is to truly suffer. Fucking hajis.


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