Monday, June 20, 2005

Because I Don't Care- A Tirade of Epic Proportion

Why should I give a fuck about which "celebrity" married who, and why so-and-so is sooooo popular, or why I should vote a certain way because such-and-such "celebrity" told me to? Fact is, if a huge earthquake hit California and dropped that coastline into the Pacific effectively demolishiing the 3 left states and claiming the majority of so-called "celebrity" lives as well as every other nutjob there, I would dance naked in the street and throw a kegger of such magnitude it would set the bar for future generations. Why? because I don't care if these pin headed, self-absorbed, self-important, scatterbrained, liberal fucks get married, divorced, re-married, charged with a crime, acquitted of a crime, convicted of a crime, or otherwise exist. The only thing I care about regarding these ass clowns is that they breed and insert themselves into my life. Yes, they do. These idiots like to get on television and tell people that they should give money to some cause or charity that no one has heard of, or if they have heard of, it is such a shady deal that no one can account for what exactly the charity donates to much less what the cause is for. Tsunami relief, big fuckin deal. Those people in indonesia didn't want us there, they only wanted money. When relief workers showed up, they all but hacked them to death with machetes because they were american. Fuck that. Africa- again, a huge toilet we keep flushing money into and to no avail. They are still poor, still disease ridden, and still just a huge problem. Time for natural selection to take effect and wipe the people who don't want to exist anymore through their own destruction and take them into the great beyond and out of the picture. Next election should be great, I will probably have the displeasure of watching Martin Sheen impart his dizzying intellect upon the hoards of ignorant voters in the country on why the democratic party is the party of the people, and by people I mean leftist hippie assholes who stifle the country with stupid litigation, and by party I mean criminal organization. No doubt Alec Baldwin will join in the fracas, calling for unity against the inhuman and cruel republican overlords. I am sure Tim Robbins and George Clooney will sound off with the ever popular "Death to America! Death to the Great Satan!" chants before we get to cast our meager and only vote. With any luck, an asteroid the size of a tractor trailer will hit the San Andreas fault sometime this year and eliminate the source of grief for the betterment of our country. Sadly, democrats will lose that great bastion of liberalism and 49 electoral votes all in one shot, but again, who cares? The next celebrity wedding will no doubt be all over the news and I don't care. They are no more special than anyone else. Who gives a fuck if some anorexic pill popping whore breaks a nail or wears the wrong colored blouse to a grocery store? I don't. The people who bring this shit to our televisions and to our press need to get a life and a real job. Reality TV and the trash in print are killing our way of life, not enhancing it. This is just a topic I cannot express enough rage about. I would love to wake up one day and hear that a stampede of rabid gazelles burst into the academy awards and trampled/impaled every last one of these stupid fucks including, but not limited to, actors, musicians, critics, "paparazzi", and fans alike. Let's go ahead and address the king of the freaks, Michael "kid toucher" Jackson. Now that he has left the country,after having bought the better lawyer in his current legal ordeal, and after been chided by said council to stop sleeping with little boys, he still hits the media in a way that you would think Jesus himself had arrived and started chatting. Mikey is definitely the worst of the worst when it comes to California and "celebrity" because even though hundreds of people from around the world showed up on their dime to support him, he didn't so much as say thank you or even meet with these assholes when it was all over. Serves them right for being stupid, but next time he gets caught with his hand in some kids cookie jar there won't be any support for him. Hopefully he gets buried alive in an avalanche and when some explorer finds his frozen corpse 1000 years from now they assume he was there in exile from society and not the standard person of our time. With any luck the globe will heat up and all the plastic in his face will melt and make him look scarier than he already does. In a perfect world, entertainers wouldn't get preferential treatment. Russel Crowe will probably walk free without any charges as he will no doubt buy his freedom by settling with the schmuck he clobbered with a phone. Then there is the whole talk show bullshit. Oprah, Ricki, Montel, Maury,et al. They get their guests from a top secret trailer park that inbreeds non stop and supplies the shows with an endless supply of freakish people for viewer entertainment. The thing is, normal people will not go on TV and proclaim that their baby's daddy is one of 8 guys, have them tested,accuse the most likely candidate only to reveal it isn't him at all but a transexual prostitute named "Chloe" with webbed feet, a lazy eye, and an eating disorder. Normal people would keep that to themselves. Why would anyone go on a show and tell the world that they slept with their mom and now she is pregnant with his brother but dad doesn't know because he is in a coma and grandma is mad that he cheated on her with her daughter in law? I can't stand it. This is why i stopped watching television. I think the more TV you watch, the dumber you get. This is why we will be speaking chinese before I turn 65. In conclusion, hollywood is full of liberal, whiny, self-absorbed, fuckheads and I hate them all. So God DAMN MUCH. When I am driving the bus to hell, I will make sure all the shitheads from hollywood are wearing their gasoline soaked thong underwear before they get on the bus. They will have to sit behind the al qaida fucks they support too so they can smell what a stinky baby killing haji smells like the whole ride down in the bus with no a/c and no windows and the heater on. Fuck them. Fuck them up their stupid asses.


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