Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A Thought..........

The medical examiner who autopsied (at great length and taxpayer expense) Terri Schiavo released his findings today which not only exonerated the husband on all of the shitty accusations his in-laws made, but totally supported EVERYTHING that the doctors had been saying all along-SHE WAS A VEGETABLE. So as not to re-traumatize everyone else with this insane bullshit freakshow, I offer my last utterance on this: I TOLD YOU SO. In short, (for once) FUCK The in-laws, the media, legislators who stuck their nose in where it didn't belong, and all you psycho fanatical protesting nutjobs who got involved in this and forced regular americans to sit through some poor bastards dirty laundry when we could have been solving real problems. Like how to move you fucks out of the country.


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