Thursday, June 16, 2005

Why is Dick Durbin Stealing My Oxygen?

Dick Durbin, the senator from Illinois and so-called representative of the people, has decided that the members of the U.S. Military are nazis, communist thugs, or khmer rouge guerrillas. FUCK YOU DURBIN! I for one am none of those, and I have FOUR honorable discharges to back up my claim. Workin on number five as I type. Durbin is exactly the reason that the majority of state representatives need to be fired outright and replaced with people who actually care about the country. This type of trash only serves one purpose- it encourages our enemies and erodes our forces morale. There is nothing more devastating to the morale of a deployed soldier than to hear that his/her leaders and fellow countrymen do not support what they are doing. There is also nothing better for a shitbag terrorist to hear that what he is doing is causing the erosion of support for his opposition. Durbin should resign, leave the country and move in with bin laden in his little rat infested, goat dung filled cave. Then he can spew all the anti-american shit he wants out of his filthy suckhole and the special forces can guide a daisy cutter into his ass to shut him the fuck up. Don't think I have overlooked that other shitbag Joe Biden-who, for reasons unknown to all but his dark overlord Satan, still draws air despite him being a living fossil. Biden is also one of those left-wing cock suckers who believes in destroying America from within by rotting support away from those who defend it. Coupled with the ultra-liberal, granola suckin, bleeding heart, uber-sensitive organization Amnesty International they are a team made in HELL. Amnesty International would love to make people think that we are torturing people as a matter of policy. There are prison guards in the USA right now that get "heavy handed" with prisoners and no one complains to them about it. Why? Because they are dealt with by the appropriate agency and disciplined. The same thing happens in the military when some retard fucks up and does something wrong. They get disciplined. So stop all your idiotic liberal drivel and get with the program. These animals are only waiting to get released so they can kill more Americans. The ones who have been released already have come back trying to harm us. They are being treated better than the hostages in Iraq will ever be treated. These fuckheads know we won't behead them or shoot them in the face. Fuck Joe Biden, Dick Durbin, Amnesty International, and any other liberal-hippie fuckwit who doesn't support the troops AND our country.


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