Friday, June 17, 2005

People Eating Tasty Animals????

Two schmucks from PETA were arrested for, get this, ANIMAL CRUELTY today in North Cackalacka. Now I don't believe that for one second. PETA is a caring organization dedicated to the promotion of animal rights and equality with people, why on earth would anyone charge them of a heinous crime of harming a cute and fuzzy animal friend? Give me a fucking break. PETA is actually an organization of hippie tree hugger(strike that,greenpeace hugs trees) animal rights activists bent on world domination by subjecting everyone on the planet to the rule of creatures that don't have opposable thumbs, oral/written communication skills, and the ability to wipe their own ass. PETA is exactly the kind of organization that promotes ultra liberal shenanigans like giving rabbits lawyers and chimpanzees the right to vote. They don't think we should test pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical procedures, or other testing on the cute and cuddly creatures nor do they want us to use modern farming procedures on them. I guess what they want, what they would be happy with, is either we conduct the tests on PETA members or wave after wave of diseases and famine to erupt in our country. Let's look at an example, shall we? INDIA- millions and millions of disease ridden starving masses that aren't allowed to eat beef and there are ALOT of cows in India, (yes I know it's because Hindu's don't eat beef, but they aren't all hindu's, retard) secondly, testing on people has been done, successfully I might add, but the public outcry as a result turned any hope of that into a huge ordeal companies are not willing to endure. (boohoo, they gave me BZ and I started hallucinating) In short, animals are plentiful, they don't require pay nor do they need workers compensation, and the tests are for THE GREATER GOOD OF MANKIND, so stop your whiny drivel you fucks and fix me some milk fed veal. Not that free range shit either. I want a baby cow that was massaged daily in its box and fed nothing but high grade whole milk before getting clubbed in the head before its first birthday. MMM, MMM, GOOD! So Fuck PETA and I hope they convict these idiots and send them to the fuckin chair so we can have extra crispy PETA kabobs for dinner.


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