Monday, June 20, 2005

Where Is My Handout?

I read today that the bank Wachovia issued an apology to african americans for buying 2 banks back in the day that exploited slaves. Now that's all well and good, especially if they knew about it. The kicker is, now there is talk of certain said offended group seeking reparations. What the fuck for? None of these people were slaves. Matter of fact, the last "slave"died almost 30 years ago in 79'. So unless he or any other slaves came back to life, no one should be getting reparations for being slaves as they weren't slaves to begin with, just regular americans like everyone else born here. While we are in this vein, American indians. Boo fuckin Hoo. Whitey stole our land and made us live on reservations where we have nothing but billion dollar a year revenues from our casinos and among the most powerful lobbying groups in the country. Yeah they are really hurtin'. How about all those poor mexicans we stole California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado from? I figure since most of those states offer bilingual everything and the mexicans keep pouring across the border like it isnt there we are even right? NO. Fact is they want (as well as the fucking ACLU) the illegal aliens to be referred to as undocumented. (see earlier rant) How's this for equality- my "people" were slaughtered and attacked by the nazis in WWII and oppressed as well so I feel Germany should pay me for the suffering my ancestors endured. While I realize I didn't undergo the horrors of a deathcamp directly, the fact that my "peeps" did makes me sad and I want cash NOW as cash is the only thing that will heal me. And name a few streets after them. And a stadium. And a holiday. Seems to me, the only people who aren't entitled to anything much less able to be victims of racism/hate, are white people. If a white person uses a slur, no matter the context, he/she is labeled a bigot and ostracized or sued for offending someone. If any other "race" uses a slur, it is a cultural term used to describe ones heritage/history/feelings. Fuck that. There is only one race of people- HUMAN. The variations are from environmental factors you inherited from your ancestors. I can cut open any human, and they are all packaged the same inside, so guess what, no one is special. This is yet another reason I hate people. All people-big, small, thin, fat, black, white, asian, micronesian, hispanic, you name it. No preferential treatment, I even hate myself. So for all you whiny bastards out there trying to make money from other peoples misery who are no longer alive, stick your heads in a bucket of shit and sing zippity doo-dah you stupid fucks and while you are at it, get a goddamn job and stop living off of my taxes you lazy bitches. On a side note, Disney should really release the animated feature "song of the south" as it is a well made cartoon. Fuck those idiots who say otherwise as it is after all, just an artistic rendition of the life and times of that period in history, so blow it out your ass you P.C. liberal scumbag.


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