Friday, June 17, 2005

Curse, Cry, Smash With Hammer. Repeat.

If it wasn't bad enough for Big Dick Durbin to insult everyone in the military, he decided it was best to stick to his guns, refuse an apology, and then restate the insult but with more emphasis. Here is how I would envision a town hall meeting with Durbin.
Durbin: How would you americans like to be treated the way I described these poor, misguided, sheep herders from a poor third-world country wrongfully imprisoned without representation and subjected to horrible dirty torture by the jackboot wearing nazi thugs in our military?
ME: How would you like to suck my balls?
DURBIN: What did you just say?
ME: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What I meant to say was (through bullhorn now) HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUCK MY BALLS, MR. DURBIN?
DURBIN: You little son-of-a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHH!!!!!!!
ME: *viciously biting Durbin in the face while attacking his groin with a potato peeler*
Anyway, that's how I imagine it would go. On the positive side, he has come under fire from pretty much everyone except for Sen. Reid who is the real life incarnation of the sith lord Darth Sidious aka The Emporer from Star Wars. Reid is also 603 years old and should be turned into jerky strips and sold at a mobile taco cart in Tijuana for the attendees of donkey shows. Fuck these assholes.


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