Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Streets Will Flow With The Blood of The Non Believers

WHO THE HELL TALKS LIKE THAT ANYMORE? People stuck in 4 b.c. in the middle east,that's who. These assholes are chatting about their sword unsheathed and hungry for blood and people (by people I mean pussy suckheads who like to hug trees and save suicidal whales) listen to them. Not only that, but they are afraid of them. HELLO-we have THE bomb. Go ahead, say how evil and naughty it is that I even mention nuclear weapons. All done? GOOD, now shut up and listen. THE reason no one fucks with the USA in a direct conventional, and traditional way is WE are the ONLY nation that has used a nuke in combat. TWICE. The world has long since sucked up to us. It is time to bring the modern age to the middle east. Iran wants a nuke, no problem. Have one compliments of the USA. Where should we put it? Tehran looks like a nice place to put one. Let's not leave Syria out of the picture, we don't want to give our friends in the middle east any reason to envy their neighbors, so it's nukes all around! Yes let's go ahead and nuke the bejeezus out of the middle east and sell the green glass parking lot to Mr. Trump. Who knows, the radioactive oil will probably boost the mileage in our cars. That, and it will bring us into compliance with the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty as we will have effectively diminished our nuclear stockpile. It's a win-win situation. We get rid of some serious whackjobs who talk like they came out of a bad Sinbad movie, oil prices will be very low, anyone who was thinking about pulling a fast one on the ol' USA will immediately back off, and we will have a long period of peace in the middle east. Now if any hippie,tree-huggin', granola suckin', left-wing, animal-rights, liberal, shit bag wants to dissent from my point of view, feel free as it's still a free country and you have that right. For now. If the liberals get their way, and they will push for it until they do, then we will have nothing but terrorists running around doing whatever they want with lawyers provided by the ACLU. Oh wait, we already have that, we call them PETA, ELF, ALF, GREENPEACE, and PFAW. I would like to see any of these assholes on a real frontline doing real "good for the world" stuff. Any idiot can firebomb a SUV or put nails into trees to injure a lumberjack. Any moron can row a boat in front of a fishing trawler or chain themselves to the door of a research lab. Can any of them pick up a 70 pound pack and a rifle, then go to another country and defend a population of total strangers for the sake of a greater good? NO. These people are no better than the shitbag "insurgents" (and let's call the spade a spade, they are TERRORISTS) who talk like they woke up in the middle ages. I agree we should do more good in the world. Let's start in our own backyard and clean out all the fanatical groups who are running amok in our country. Then if the mood fancies us, we can go squash some despotic dictator or a terrorist group operating someplace else. While we are at it, we should adopt a better policy on throwing money away into toilet countries. Africa already gets an enormous amount of cash from us, and yet we are now being pressured into giving them even more?!?!?! What about the billions we already gave them? If they couldn't get their shit together after the first several billion I say shut off the tap and let em' all rot. If anyone in the country kept getting money from their uncle and squandering it, they would get cut off. Why should we as a nation continue to bend to the will of liberals and other toilet countries that say how bad we are but still want our money and products. Fuck them. Fuck terrorists, liberals (don't confuse with democrats as I know democrats that aren't liberal), tree huggers, the ACLU (again), PETA, ELF, GREENPEACE, THE MIDDLE EAST, and people who aren't willing to actually fight for our country. Fuck them most of all. I rambled a bit today, if you don't like it,then stick your head in a bucket of shit. Otherwise, hope you were able to follow along.


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