Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I Fixed It. It Will Never Work Again!

I figured out what happened while watching the news yesterday. I can't believe it was there all along and no one figured it out! Civil Rights Lawyers!!!!! These are the real enemies of the state! They have the appearance of a real lawyer, in the sense that they say they are representing you for your own good, when in fact they only represent MINORITIES!!!! I'm not talking minorities as in micronesians or blacks or hispanics. I am talking any group smaller than another. Apparently, and I just now found out, that the Bill Of Rights was written to protect minorities! The civil rights lawyer, and I will go ahead and name the shitbag, Christopher Murray said that was what the Bill Of Rights was written for. I guess being in a majority means that my rights are not as important as those in a minority because there are more of those like me and less of those that aren't. Last I checked there was only ONE of me, and several millions of you fuckers. Where these vultures have gone wrong is that the Bill Of Rights was written to protect ALL people in the United States, not just the minorities. It was written so that the rights of a minority could not be trampled by a majority but doesn't give power to either as they are considered equal. So if ahmed wants to go to a mosque and moisha wants to go to a synagogue and billie ray wants to bite the head off a dove in the pursuit of their individual religions, they can as long as they don't impose it on other people. Now that we have that cleared up, let's address the recent supreme court fiasco where they demonstrated yet again that senility is a requirement for the job. they voted 5-4 that the ten commandments had to be removed from 2 kentucky courts but could stay in a texas state house. WHAT THE FUCK? This country was founded with christianity, yet embraced all religions. The ten commandments was a basis of law before there was law. That is what religion started as. ALL RELIGIONS started as a basis of conduct-rule of law. They go hand in hand with modern law as that is where most laws came from. Not exclusively christianity, but religion. Hammurabi developed a system of law as a way of conduct, and that helped curb reckless abandon and disregard for people from each other. It is no different than islam or judaism or christianity. It is simply stupid to separate modern law and religion when they are essentially the same things. Christopher Murray should go back to school as he apparently only graduated law school with a "d" average. I bet the ACLU put him through school too. Fuck him, the supreme court, (except Scalia who still has a brain) and the ACLU, and anyone who thinks they are entitled to more than anyone else because they are a minority. Democracy=Majority rules, and when a minority rules the majority it's called dictatorship. If you want that, leave America.


Blogger joe said...

Civil rights lawyers are the enemy? Pray you never need one then, my friend.

9:06 AM  
Blogger The Cyco Sapper said...

Well I don't plan on falsely imprisoning someone or
conducting an illegal search or seizure so I think I
am ok there. My point was, and I hope it came through,
was that the ones ruining the country are the civil
rights lawyers who believe that minorities are the
only ones protected by the Bill of Rights as
Christopher Murray said. Obviously not all lawyers are
bad, and not all people are stupid, however the
exception proves the rule and we are inundated with
idiots. You have a pretty interesting blog yourself,
and while we seem to disagree on some things, we agree
on others. I appreciate your comments,and thanks for
checking out my blog. Hope yours helps your blood

9:45 AM  
Blogger joe said...

Yes, the blog does help my blood pressure. In fact, it is the only reason I started it!

Happy blogging.

12:16 PM  

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