Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Secret Is In The Final Solution.

(Not THAT Final Solution, You Racist Fuck) Once they perfect the solution for people, we will have a pretty good way of preserving victims of violent crimes and accidents that would otherwise die. (click title for link) Now PETA is jumping up and down because the lab uses dogs for the experiment, and that they feel it is cruel. Well let's examine the basics. The lab kills dogs, drains their blood, refills them with a icy salt solution, (it's more than that actually, but basically ok) then after a few hours, replaces the blood and a quick zap to jump start and voila, doggy is back to life. Of course it doesn't always work which is why they aren't testing on people yet. Now let's look at the methods PETA uses. They execute the dogs, put them in trash bags, and illegally dump the corpses into shopping center dumpsters. I understand why PETA is angry as they probably wanted to be the ones to bring the pooches back to life and got beaten to the punch. Better luck next time fuckers. I can't wait to see the successes of this procedure when it saves someones life in the future and these PETA fucks are excluded because they were against it.


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