Tuesday, June 28, 2005

That's It. You, Out Of The Gene Pool!

I decided I am going to start stockpiling weapons and ammunition because people have pissed me off beyond my limits. Between the ineffective "officials" running the various levels of government to the idiot foreigner who can't operate a motor vehicle and is here illegally on my dime, to the fact that no one seems to care that there are people trying to kill us on a daily basis but let's hold hands and play nice-nice and maybe they will go away. I can no longer take it, and I think being cut down in a hail of gunfire is looking better and better everyday. Last night a group of pinheads burst into a peaceful recruiting meeting for the minuteman project and several were arrested. What the minuteman project is (and I AM familiar with it), is a group of citizens wo got tired of finding illegal aliens in their homes, or border patrol agents driving through their yards and decided to band together and sit on the border as a visible deterrent to the flow of human waste that streams across the border everyday. They don't harm people, but will defend themselves, and they are largely effective as illegals don't want to be caught and seek easier crossing points where the minutemen are not at. Now the protesters in New Jersey no doubt have a good idea what it's like to deal with illegal immigrants otherwise why would they protest the people trying to keep them out? BULLSHIT. These idiots are the same liberal fuckheads who believe our government should foot the bill in the form of taxes for all these parasites as they drain our infrastructure of resources. The residents of New Jersey have not had their hospitals crippled with overwhelming debt because the illegals go there and get treatment for everything and don't pay. Their schools likewise are not getting bankrupted and besieged by bilingual requirements and resources divided among illegal kids and citizens. Fuck these people. Illegal aliens are parasites, PERIOD! The protesters should be lined up on a cliff edge and shot in the groin with rock salt until they fall off and into a pile of spider infested detritus. Fuck them all. When you all realize your country is no longer your own, don't come to me for help or protection because at that point you are one thing to me-meat for the grill.


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