Monday, June 20, 2005

Why Yes I Do Have Spare Change. Thanks For Asking You Homeless Piece Of Shit.

The whole flight of fancy in the realm of conspiracy theory is all well and good as long as it stays in the realm of fiction. There is no conspiracy by the republican party to rule the world by eliminating any opposition in its path, nor do they intend to proclaim Bush the next emporer of the world. There is no secret moon base on the dark side of the moon where the government has all those missing persons working in a forced labor camp and breeding the next wave of genetically altered super storm troopers to take over the world. I can even tell ya that all those nifty little aliens zipping around are probably a result of some toothless hillbilly that drank too much antifreeze and was hallucinating his ass off. The black helicopters and black clad goons from the unknown government agency are not out to get you, in the sense that as long as you are not needing to be gotten, they will leave you alone. Usually they are from an "alphabet" agency and black is tactical and not easily confused with news helicoptors. There is no mass vote scheme to remove politicians from office if they don't toe the line, and the government can barely run itself much less keep tabs or an interest on what you decide to do in your daily life unless you call undue attention upon yourself by making other people aware of your activities. Basically, stop whatever illegal activity and/or hallucinogenic you are on and you won't have a problem. All these "homeless" veterans need to get off the fuckin roadways and get a job or kill themselves. I know firsthand that there are programs for veterans to help get them houses, jobs, rehab, etc. all on the governments dime. Of course, real veterans know that, and don't conduct themselves as such. The ones roaming the streets now got the uniform items at a yard sale/thrift store, and perpetrate a fraud on unsuspecting dummies for free money. Come to think about it, I think I deserve a little back from all you dummies out there who like throwing money at "causes" so go ahead and get your checkbooks out,and send me your money. I am a veteran, and if you have been reading this blog you know I need the help, so donate all you can, guilt free to me. Be sure to include your address so I can hunt you down and beat your head in with a meat tenderizer and make smoothies out of your body after I butcher it with a melon baller. At least you know that your contribution will somehow go toward the good of the world and help out a truly needy person. I will likely use the money for booze or porn, but will keep a portion aside for bail. Thank you for your support, and remember, it's tax deductible shithead!


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