Wednesday, June 29, 2005

YES! YES! YES! Common Sense At Last!!

Click the title for a bitchin' story of how a man with vision and a healthy sense of right has decided to shove the recent eminent domain ruling UP THE SUPREME COURTS ASS! Specifically, Justice Souter who ruled in favor of the eminent domain case to take private homes away from people and replace it with a private business. Now the guy who is spearheading this project is using Souter's own ruling against him, by lobbying for eminent domain action on Souter's own property!!!!!!!!!! SWEET JUSTICE! I hope he prevails. I will spend a week a year in his hotel if he builds it. I will personally contribute whatever I can to make it so. This post and link are simple meager offerings to the masses who skim through here and I hope they pass on the word. America, FUCK YEAH!


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