Thursday, October 20, 2005


Time for another rage dump! Apparently the talk of the town here is that VP Cheney is going to resign/step down because of this whole Valerie Plame thing and Bush is going to make Condoleeza Rice the new VP so she can run in 2008 for president!!!! Of course that was met with uproarious laughter from the white house, and myself. Stupid Liberals. It is no surprise though that Hillary 'raving bitch' Clinton is going to go for it in 08', I mean, she has pretty much sucked enough congressional cock and given some strategic handjobs to get herself positioned to take the nomination. I will be very surprised if she actually wins though, and I will most likely remove myself from society for the next 4-8 years should that occur as the haji's will be marching down the streets of DC since she is a total whackjob who wouldn't be able to lead our defense.
On a lighter note, more aftershocks and bad winter weather are still hampering efforts in Pakistan, making the glorious death toll upwards of 80,000 people. Still no word from the haji's saying anything about the will of allah or allahs punishment........

Also, some leftist rag of a newspaper gave Teddy Kennedy credit for assisting a rescue of stranded fisherman in Massachussets but get this, HE NEVER MADE IT TO THEM!!! He saw they were stranded, got a boat and rowed out a little bit, then turned around and called the local rescue guys who got them off the jetty. He probably rowed a little bit, realized he was not as drunk as he was used to and turned around to get another scotch before calling the cops. "Officer I need another drink and by the way, there are some guys stranded on a jetty."

Switching gears again, in the socialist republic of California, a veterans day parade was cancelled in Berkeley because they were going to have anti-war activists from cindy shitheads group there as keynote speakers. I think I would rather have Hitler speak at the holocaust museum than have one of these shitty, traitorous, cowardly, stinky, liberal hippie fucks at a veterans day parade. I think Hitler would be less offensive.

For those who haven't had the 'experience' that is me, feel free to read my archives which are full of venomous spewings from my rage-filled mind. Everything from "Fuck the ACLU" to "Nuke the middle east". It is all in there. Enjoy and keep the light on-scary stuff.


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