Thursday, October 13, 2005

God Hates Dirty Haji's

As we all know, those loveable little suicide bombers-in-the-making over in the middle east made it clear that Allah had sent Hurricane Katrina to the U.S. as a soldier of sorts to punish us for what we are doing to muslims. Apparently, our blue-eyed whitey God took offense to that and opened a can of whoop-ass on those dirty hajis by levelling Pakistan with a 7.6 magnitude earthquake killing at least 40,ooo people. Then as if that weren't payment enough, sent heavy rain, hailstorms, a big aftershock, and then a snowstorm to the same place. ENJOY IT HAJI!!!! I have yet to see one scumbag haji website declare this as Allah's will or punishment, and I have only seen that the dirty haji's from around the globe are only bitching that we haven't sent enough aid and what we did send wasn't fast enough. Let me see, we get hit by a couple of hurricanes and maybe 1200 people died, and we didn't complain about other people sending aid or whatever and all the stupid fucking hajis threw a party saying it was so great how we got hammered by these hurricanes and they were so happy our people were suffering. A bunch of stinky goat herding haji jihadists get flattened in an earthquake, killing at least 40000 of the bastards, and not a single fucking peep. I say good for them,and I hope the ensuing epidemic of rampant disease kills 400,000 more of you inbred jackasses. I guess we know the difference between eastern and western construction and architectural standards. Here it can get bad, but at least our shit still stands after an earthquake and doesn't look like a stack of pancakes with human jelly oozing out the sides. That's right haji's, Allah sent a hurricane to us, but the white devil sent hell to you. Suck the dust of defeat haji!!!!! Hope you get ptomaine poisoning from eating dirty goat shit contaminated aid food.


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