Monday, October 03, 2005

Bend Over, Here It Comes AGAIN!

BOHICA! I love that acronym. It says it all really, and I'll tell you why. The ACLU is/has ruined our wonderful country, and here is proof-(excerpt taken from FOXNEWS)Organizers of a "Women of Color Dialogue" at Northeastern University in Boston were forced to open an event to all races after initially proclaiming that white women would not be allowed, according to the Northeastern University News. Members of the Women's Studies and Graduate Consortium wanted to exclude white women from the first session of the dialogue. They said it needed to remain racially segregated in order to help the participants come together on issues that many of them felt were perpetrated by white people.
But after hearing complaints from two caucasian students, the Student Government Association and the school provost, the event was opened to all. Dr. Robin Chandler, director of women's studies and one of the organizers of the event, said she was disappointed by the demand.
"I think it's a shame that one or two white students based on white privilege, a lack of awareness of racial issues and a lack of generosity of spirit complained to the office of the provost and were able, because they were white, to gain admission to the morning session that I was forced to open up," Chandler said.-

Well HOLY SHIT!!! White people allowed in to a tax payer funded university for a fucking dialogue????? What next, congress? Fuck those bitches. If these oozing yeast machines are really upset over 2 white chicks attending this I am surprised. This proves that all this racial bullshit is perpetrated and progenated on both sides. Blacks and whites and hispanics, OH MY! These tampon-squatters are just pissed off because whitey used their own tactics against them and it worked. How many times has some whiny minority used equality laws to get into something they weren't invited to? Like all-male military colleges, or country clubs, or colleges that had higher requirements than their retarded ass could achieve? Gimme a fucking break. I am glad those white chicks got in and I am glad it pissed off the event staff. I hope they kill themselves because of it. Mostly, I hope the rest of the country wakes the fuck up and starts killing the stupid people when they find them otherwise we are FUCKED.


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