Thursday, January 05, 2006

When Are We Going To Hold Journalists Accountable?

While this idea is a novel concept, far to few times has the action been taken to hold liberal journalistic scumbags accountable for their irresponsibilities in their jobs. The latest example are the shitbags responsible for running a story about the 12 surviving miners in West Virginia without verifying the facts or even checking the reliability of the information. As a result, the families and the country were misled to believe the majority of the trapped miners had survived when the contrary was true. The NY Times web page even kept the wrong headline and story 41 hours after the real facts were presented. I want to know when these irresponsible fucks from the writer on up to the editorial staff are being fired for publishing patently false information. The NY Times already has a reputation of hiring writers who make shit up, so I guess this isn't much of a stretch for those morons. We as a people should be sacking these offices and rooting out the idiots who are hiding there, sniping good people and spreading malicious and false stories. Kill them all and call it a day.


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