Thursday, January 12, 2006

Let Me Get This Straight

Fill in the caption. I bet your response would be tamer than what these two bumbling assholes have been dishing out to nominee Alito. Because they can't attack him professionally, they have resorted to grandstanding and long winded tirades about how much they don't like Alito. Basically, they have decided to waste their time berating some schmuck who just wants to go to work, and they could be working on more important issues. Like TAXES. BORDER SECURITY. TERRORISM. I guess they aren't terribly concerned about the haji's already in the country plotting to kill us while we be-bop along like sheep. This picture needs no caption, but I will give a few: "Ted, Call him a pompous douchebag", "Hey Pat,his wife has nice tits", "Hey Teddy,what time is happy hour at the Capital Grill over?", "Did you just shit yourself Ted?" There you go, a good start for a great picture of two shitbag senators who should have been removed from existence long ago. Send your captions, if you dare.


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