Friday, January 13, 2006

Where Was The MSM On This One?

Apparently, the mainstream media only covers idiot hollywood actors and actresses. I don't give a fuck about Paris Hilton's giant vagina or Lindsay Lohan using cocaine and barfing to lose weight. I don't care if Anjelina Jolie picked up another kid at the store on the way home from work. The thing is, if I am going to have all the bullshit rammed down my throat by the so-called "serious media" I want the stories of substance to go along with the shit. The media failed to publicize Denzel Washington visiting wounded troops recently in Texas. Denzel is what is known as a 'real' person and doesn't have alot of personal problems and stays relatively low-profile. Just like the average person in this country. What makes Denzel's visit so special, is that while he was touring the facilities, he asked about the "fisher houses" which are basically hotels for the troops and their families. He asked how much they cost and his military escort told him. Denzel then wrote a check for the full amount of a new house and gave it to the liason. Did the mainstream media run this story? NO! It didn't even make page 3 in the local paper. The MSM needs to get over their little prejudice about the troops or the war or the current administration and balance out the fucking news. The media fucks should all be sent to China or Iran if they want to toe the party line and run bullshit stories. Americans deserve better than the idiotic drivel these hacks spew out. Fuck the media, especially CNN, the Communist News Network.


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