Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tim Kaine, El Diablo Del Bano

Yes, that's right, he IS the bathroom devil. This toilet bug has managed to put the nice shiny coat of wax on that big unnecessary tax pill, and shove it right up Virginians asses. This butt puppet wants to raise the taxes in this state, again, on everything from sales, food, gas, property, new car sales, "overweight vehicles" meaning anything considered a SUV, and impose a tax on bad drivers. The kicker is, he actually thinks that telling people it is necessary to raise taxes, 400 million dollars worth in the next 4 years, to upgrade the roads and rail systems in Virginia. Guess what? Been tried, it failed miserably. In 2004, taxes were raised under a so-called emergency need, now there is over 1.4 billion dollars in surplus that is just sitting around doing nothing. Tim Kaine is doing nothing to stem the tide of illegal aliens into Virginia, allows them to get driver's licenses, buy cars, take jobs, and AVOID PAYING ANY TAXES. He is typical of the liberal hand-holding fuckwads that are flowing out of D.C. and into Virginia because they were tired of being taxed to death without anything to show for it aside from crackhead marion barry. I have already written this asshole, as have several of my friends and family members voicing our disgust at this poor excuse for a human being. I can only hope there are still reasonable people in this state that recognize extortion when it smacks them in the face. Apparently, Tim Kaine wants to take one of the wealthiest and best run states in the nation and bankrupt it's citizens by overtaxing the working people and create a welfare state like Louisiana. That worked well when the shit hit the fan there, he must feel like that is the way to do business. I hope he gets a hot bag of nickels shoved up his ass. I encourage anyone from VA who reads this to write our shitbag governor and tell him to knock this shit off. Maybe we can vote in a decent governor next time and get these bloodsuckers out of office for good. Fuck Tim Kaine, fuck him up his stupid ass.


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