Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hillary Clinton Is Unfit For Office, Streisand Is An Idiot

Hillary Clinton has shown yet again, that she is a danger to the country and unfit for office, both as a senator and a potential presidential candidate. Hillary's slimeball husband helped set up the Dubai port deal. You know, the one she vehemently opposes. Hillary claims she had no idea her husband was helping the UAE set it up and that she doesn't discuss his business affairs. (no pun intended) How on earth is anyone supposed to take this bitch seriously if she can't even manage her own family? How are we as americans supposed to put any confidence into this idiot who has no clue what her husband is doing? Apparently this just reaffirms the point that she made years ago when her husband was getting blowjobs from his intern in the oval office and she claimed ignorance. If she can't keep track of her own husband, she cannot possibly keep track of more important things. "Pakistan has nukes? when did that happen?" She should be voted out and barred from public office forever.
Then we have the babbling bimbo Barbra Streisand, who wrote an essay belittling Bush for being a 'c' student, when her essay could have been written better by a chimpanzee holding his pecker in one hand and typing with the other. She had four mistakes in a single sentence. When the story broke about her idiotic display of her lack of intelligence, she blamed it on the webmaster of her site. She is a total douchebag, and needs to have an old, crusty happysock jammed into her enormous suckhole so we can all live peacefully without her constant yammering. Fuck Barbra Streisand.


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