Friday, June 23, 2006

Why Aren't We Shooting Journalists Yet?

When is it ever acceptable to publish the tactics used to catch terrorists? Never. When is it acceptable to publicly display sensitive or classified information? Never. Why does the fucking media in our country continue to do this? Because we aren't shooting them for treason, that's why. I am all about the first amendment and freedom of speech, but why do we allow these liberal hippie douchebag reporters continue to draw air when they air classified tactics or materials to the public and the terrorists that are in the masses? They should be rounded up and shot, publicly and televised to the masses.
Another thing, we hear all of the whiny bullshit from the media and the fat-assed hippies and lazy fucking congressmen who constantly complain that some murdering haji terrorist fuckhead in Guantanamo didn't get to pray today because he tried to bite off a guards ear and so we are torturing him by confining him or that they might have had their feelings hurt when a female interrogated them, but we haven't heard peep one from these same fucking liberal assholes when we had two of our own soldiers kidnapped, tortured, and killed by the same fucking murdering haji terrorist types? What the fuck people? We take a picture of a naked haji pyramid, and the whole world condemns us, the same fucks torture and mutilate our soldiers and not even a word? I am disgusted. I hope everyone of you liberal fucks who bitched about the so-called torture that happened at abu ghraib and guantanamo and stayed quiet about this gets your rectums removed by a rabid opossum. You fucks are exactly the reason the haji's continue this shit, you are their audience. You dumbasses are going to be their eventual victims and when that happens, I will be there, to tell you "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" May a thousand haji's defile your asses, you liberal trash.


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