Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Step One: Remove Head From Rectum. Step Two: Get A Clue

All month we have been bent over an fucked hard over this whole immigration issue and whether or not to allow the 12 million tax dodging, law breaking, government program draining, parasitic, illegal aliens the priviledge of staying here or kicking them out in accordance with existing law. Now congress in it's finite scope of view and limited wisdom has seen fit to produce various legislation in hopes the masses will think they are taking on this juggernaut of an issue and allow them to keep their jobs in November. They believe if they say they are working on something, even though it will never become law, the masses will forget they are a bunch of lazy, bloated, inept, fuckheads who can't do anything but fuck things up. That, and the fact they will have only worked 97 days out of this year. Unacceptable. Fire these leeches and get some productive people in there. Let's just make sure everyone is on the same page; Congress is not doing anything to help the immigration situation. The illegals are pouring across the border in record numbers with state support from their home countries. That is known as an INVASION which is technically an act of war. There should also be no doubt in anyone's mind that we are the ONLY country that allows itself to be invaded by millions of foreign entities. Every other country, no matter how poor, defends itself in it's best capacity. Even little poverty stricken African countries fight back. The very first thing that congress should have done was declare war on Mexico after Mexico refused to control it's people and was found to be materially helping it's citizens invade. Second, the border should have been put under martial law, and militarized so as to avoid the bitchy, useless ACLU from whining about Posse Commitatus and the unlawful deployment of federal troops to control the border. Third, Mexico should have been bombed for it's complicity in the importation of drugs, via it's military, into our country. If a military unit crosses a border, it IS an act of war. No more coddling or hand holding the swarms of illegals here. Every American needs to step up and report illegal aliens to the authorities, especially businesses that hire them and scoff the law. Fine them until they go bankrupt if necessary. This wave of liberal bullshit about amnesty and government programs and paths to citizenship are all election year bullshit. The real solution is the enforcement of the existing laws. Disagree? Fuck you. Get a clue or get out of my country you hippie.


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