Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hey Immigrant Rally People, Check This Out

ter·ror·ism -"The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments,often for ideological or political reasons." -American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,Fourth Edition

By shutting down certain cities, or even portions of cities, these protestors were : Keeping children out of school, Hampering the abilities of local law enforcement to enforce the law,Hampering the abilities of first responders to respond to car accidents, fires, people having heart attacks,and hampering their ability to transport them to the hospital. Hampering the abilities of local mass transit systems to operate properly. Causing financial harm to local businesses regardless of whether or not those businesses have harmed them,resulting in a nationwide economic impact. Advocating the breaking of our laws by demanding, yes demanding, that illegal immigrants be given amnesty.
All of you liberal fuckheads were aiding and abetting, not to mention taking part, knowingly, in an unlawful assembly; which was not protected under the constitution as a protest is legal insofar as no crimes are committed by the protestors. As everyone knows, once you have illegal aliens in your group, they are not entitled the rights we are under the constitution and voila, you are now committing a crime as you are helping terrorists. Fuck all of you liberals and all of you lazy illegals who are trying to subvert and conquer this country. When you try to rise up, I will be out there fighting you and your socialist handlers that call themselves liberals.


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