Monday, June 19, 2006

Angelina Jolie Must Be Stopped!

Apparently, this psycho bitch thinks that children are an accessory, and she is looking to add yet another crumb snatcher to her collection of mewling, drooling, third world cast-outs, that even third world parents didn't want. She is evidently going for a Benetton ad as her new selection is going to be race and gender matched for 'balance' with the other kids she has acquired over the last few years. I guess shitting a kid wasn't good enough for her, now she wants to pick up another kid, like getting a gallon of milk at the store on the way home from work. This shit needs to stop, and the fucking douchebags that keep allowing her to do this need to be sterilized and shot. Usually, people are outraged when some wealthy white person goes to another country to buy a child, she is apparently the exception and is encouraged to continue doing this. I know one of you liberal suck-asses are going to say something stupid like' she's just helping a poor child who wouldn't get a fair shake in their home country' or 'she is taking up a noble cause against poverty' - BULLSHIT. If she wanted to help out a poor kid, she could go downtown L.A. or NYC, or ANYWHERE in this country and contribute back to the population that made her rich. Instead, she is building her very own cabbage patch kid collection made out of real kids. Disgusting. I hope she gets run over by a leaking tallow truck and then picked at by crows. Fucking whore.


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