Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I Think We May Be Screwed.

And by "we", I mean anyone who doesn't know me or know how to handle a really bad situation like a hurricane or terrorist attack. The government has decided to go the route of letting people know that in the event of a large scale disaster, the general public is on it's own. I completely endorse this mentality and believe that a few well placed hurricanes and possibly a nice 7+ magnitude quake on the left coast will rid this country of a lot of problems. Especially if the state and federal governments aren't going to pour a shit ton of money into a bunch of able bodied leeches hands like they did after Katrina/Wilma/Rita last year. Most of the people in New Orleans were able to leave, but refused and therefore got fucked. The government, and by proxy, the rest of the countries tax payers should not have to hold these fuckers hands because they lack the inherent sense to flee danger that even a common housefly has. I applaud the measure the government is taking and I will do everything in my power in the event of an emergency to ensure you liberal fucks can't interfere with my survival. If you knock on my door, and I don't know you, you run the risk of becoming food for any stray animals that I may find as I make my egress to safety. If you are in need of medical supplies or water or food or shelter, you need to know that the only ways I will part with any of these things willingly is either grossly overcharging you (think 200$ for half a snickers bar) or with a whole lot of really disgusting sexual favors. (4-5 hours of my imagination for half a snickers bar) Otherwise, you had best have more firepower than I do. (think gun show in my closet) Hopefully the upcoming hurricane season will get rid of a lot of you whiny liberal fucks as well as all of you slugs that are sucking the welfare tit like your parents did. Fucking douchebag liberals.


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