Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Run For Your Lives! It's A Cloudy Day!

I think I am going to vomit from the overreaction and overexposure the media is giving to the stupidity that persists throughout the world. The media circus literally has become exactly that, a fucking circus. The fervor and gross amount of time they spent on that fucking crazy chomo mark karr was egregious to say the least, and even the dumbest of the masses were smashing their collective heads against their televisions screaming 'HE DIDN'T DO IT! HE'S A FUCKING FRUITLOOP!' Then there was and is the whole lebanon photoshop scandal where haji photographers edited and staged events to smear the Israeli campaign and make the haji's look like victims. A lot of people pulled the bullshit card on that one, and now the media is facing scrutiny like never before. Of course there was the valerie plame issue, which now that it has been proven that the Bush administration broke no laws and the accusors are total douchebags along with their democrat lackeys, the media has dropped that like a hot bag of herpes since they were covering it 24/7 and now look like total hacks. I have seen high school papers with better credibility and journalistic ethos. Now we have the 'storm of the century' Ernesto, bearing down on Florida. It is a tropical storm, meaning NOT A HURRICANE! It is all anyone can talk about, how it is going to destroy all life as we know it and only prayer can help those poor souls in it's path. There are literally going to be thousands, thousands of people inconvenienced on their beach vacations over the next couple days as the worst storm to ever hit the country steamrolls it's way through the eastern seaboard. CNN is going to cover this 24/7 until it's over or there is nothing left. Of course, they will do a special anniversary edition as well next year, detailing the harrowing accounts of floridians who had to wait in a long line to get gas since everyone panicked and fled the peaceful state where this type of thing NEVER happens. Give me a fucking break. A tropical storm is not much worse than a cloudy day. It is just a little rainy and has some wind to it. No biggie. Maybe we can start shooting journalists who cover one story ad nauseum so that we can have real news reported. You know, like how congress is fucking the average citizen, or how the ACLU is raping americans of their constitutional rights, or better yet, how the fucking filthy haji's are trying to kill us at every turn. Maybe then we could get some work done.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

All Your Fakes Are Belong to Us

Courtesy of Sout Al Kuffar, originally found on The Jawa Report, and one hell of a great video.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Liberals Continue To Ignore The Muslim Threat

Apparently all of the liberals missed the centuries of memos that prove without any kind of doubt that muslims are trying to take over everything. They are subverting western countries by using the local laws and citizens rights against the host countries and in some cases, overthrowing the government violently. This has been going on since Islam's inception, it is well documented in the koran, and has continued for the last 1300 years. Of course, all of my favorite people are ignoring this and squealing about how we can't profile muslims at airports or spy on international calls made from terrorists or as I like to refer to them- muslims, because someone's feelings might get hurt or some overzealous cop will break the rules on an actual human being and not just on some shitbag haji. So in an effort to make it clear to you liberal fucks who are even now sending your contribution to the ACLU to make life in America harder and cursing the day Bush was born, I will spell it out for you in terms even a retarded, illiterate, mongoloid halfbreed can understand- YOUR RIGHT TO NOT HAVE YOUR FEELINGS HURT DOES NOT EXIST, NEVER HAS, NEVER WILL. IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION OR THE BILL OF RIGHTS, IT IS NOT EVEN IN THE GENEVA CONVENTION. MY RIGHT TO NOT GET BLOWN UP OVER A CORNFIELD BY A FUCKING HAJI IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR ISSUE WITH PROFILING A BUNCH OF HAJI'S WHO HAVE A TRACK RECORD OF THAT BEHAVIOUR. If you still need clarification or if I used too many $5 words, please email your address to me and I will be right over to ensure your confusion ceases. Maybe next time something explodes in this country, all you whiny fucks will wake up and we can start cleaning house. I hope so, otherwise we will have a huge problem that we will be addressing on someone else's terms and not our own. If I haven't said it already, Mohammed (FHITA) was a crazy CHOMO and not a prophet. He raped little kids and made up his revelations to get away with it. When David Berkowitz said his dog told him to kill people, we said 'yer batshit crazy and need to go to prison!' when Mohammed (FHITA) raped kids and massacred thousands of people he didn't like, he was awarded 'prophet' status and has followers. WHY DON'T YOU FUCKS GET IT?
As a side note, usually the haji's like to put pbuh after mo's name for 'peace be upon him', I am using FHITA or FUCK HIM IN THE ASS since he advocates raping kids and haji men will fuck other men for pleasure since chicks are only for making kids and unless you are married, no women. True stuff, I was in the middle east and that is the way islam is. Fuck you if you don't believe me.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Everywhere I Go, There's A Douchebag There

So I went out of town for some relaxation, and things were great- until the Attorney fuckin General of California Bill Lockyer and his demonic fucking brat "diego" henceforth referred to as 'diablo' and his bitch on heels trophy fuck he calls wife showed up. Since I was riding a train, I couldn't exactly get away from the fucking brat, and his "parents" didn't do anything to control the screaming, temper tantrum throwing, running around shenanigans their retarded offspring was committing. This shitball was running around in circles on the observation deck of the train, and ran into me three times while his mother was chatting with another passenger. The attorney general sperm donor was nestled in his seat, blissfully unaware of where his fuck trophy and cockwhore were. After the third time, I shot this bitch a look which she must have understood since she snatched diablo up as he was preparing to come around again and run into me. She was good to do that as diablo would have learned what happens when PTSD is set off as he flew from the train followed by his mother. Yes, diablo was a total nightmare and there were many people on the train who wanted to throw him and his parents off. The total lack of concern or parenting the attorney general of california and his trophy fuck had for their offspring showed me exactly why california should be dropped into the Pacific or turned into a giant prison. These people didn't have a care in the world. They definitely didn't know the first thing about parenting, they obviously have a person who does that in california. I hope the people in california realize the quality of the individual who is their attorney general and the type of leeching parasite he married are and boot them to the curb. Get a good look at this douchebag so if you are on a plane, train, or boat you can avoid him and his bitch wife and demonic kid. This fat asshole pretty much ignored his kid, occasionally he would ask diablo if he wanted to go to the dining car or the gift shop on the train and diablo would act like the fucking exorcist child and he would just laugh it off and sit his fat ass back down. His wife, who looked like she was a third of his age, and obviously married him for the power, position and money, would also ignore the fucking brat, often leaving him unattended to go take pictures or go chat with someone. I personally cannot take credit for the nickname 'diablo' as I had been calling him satan, the credit goes to another irritated passenger and hell of a nice guy named Mickey who was there with his wife Marishka and friends Steve and Ken, and the Ol' Marine. All very nice and all very much wanted to pitch the Lockyers off the train. A few days passed before I saw diablo, I passed him as he played unattended around an open construction pit with barbed wire and exposed rebar sticking up out of a very deep hole, his parents sitting on a bench not paying attention with their backs turned to him about 100 feet away. I said to myself, construction sites are safe to play in, hopefully diablo will find out how much. Maybe someone important will read this entry and maybe, they will know what I am talking about. Maybe, someone will get these fucks out of office and into prison for being bad parents. I doubt that anyone in california will do anything about it, but I can dream.