Friday, July 01, 2005

Need I Remind You Your Job Is At Stake?

Apparently the recent court ruling for eminent domain woke up a large part of the country who figured out that anyone can now be evicted by the government if they feel they can leach more money from the land by another owner. These newly awakened cattle got a bit angry(as well they should have) and contacted their respective elected officials in congress and said WHAT THE FUCK, OVER? FIX IT OR YOU ARE FIRED. That coupled with the elected officials sudden realization that their property was also now on the auction block, they have moved to pass legislation to effectively limit the ruling and make it a dead issue. WAY TO GO SHITBAGS!! When it's their ass on the line they work, they move with a sense of fucking urgency. When it's little ol' citizen nobody, they could give a fuck less if you were in the house when it gets bulldozed or not. Fuck these guys. They all should be replaced in 06' by people who at the minimum do their jobs effectively and don't pull this kindergarten shit of bitching and whining."He called me a nazi, boohoo" or "He called her a bitch, boohoo" as we have seen all too often with these fuckheads all they do is complain and stall and oh well, the issues at hand will wait til next session cuz it's golf time. There should be a rule that while congress is in session, they are chained to their desk for the duration, and can't leave until the issues on the floor are dealt with. I have seen pictures of the palatial offices some of these fucks have to suffer with when they are "working late". Luxurious bed brought in, set up in the gold trim and red velvet wallpapered chamber room of the office, with mahogany furniture and plush leather chairs with all the comforts of a 5 star hotel. Yeah they suffer. Fuck them.


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