Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What The Fuck People?!?!?!

If it wasn't bad enough to have shitbag people roaming our streets preying on kids, we have even worse fuckwits letting these fuckers go even after they have been caught. Prime examples, Jessica Lunsford in Florida, the nutjob in Canada who just got released even though she offered her kid sister to her psycho boyfriend to rape and murder, and now these 2 kids in Idaho, one of which is most certainly dead after being brutally raped by this convicted and on the run rapist/murderer. Who is worse? Instead of killing these disgusting freaks on site when they are caught/convicted, we let them out on the premise and promise that they don't do it again. WHAT THE FUCK FOR? We KNOW they will do it again, it has been demonstrated time and time again. Instead of spending all the money on these special laws, lets eliminate these spokespeople that advocate kid touchers "rights" and make it safer for everyone. I can almost guarantee the ACLU, NAMBLA, and a few other so-called "justice watchdog groups" have their dirty little dick beaters deep in this pie and we are suffering for it. Fuck these people. Let the advocates and bleeding hearts of these monsters spend a quiet weekend with them and see how they like getting buttfucked by the missing link before they get tossed into a woodchipper or left for dead in a drainage pond. The real criminals are the people trying to reform these predators. Kill them first, then the chomos.


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