Friday, January 06, 2006

Apparently, Liberals Can't Do Math Either

This is probably why Louisiana got fucked so badly, the state government can't do simple math or plan for a disaster. The source is an AP article, and reads "NEW ORLEANS -- Gov. Kathleen Blanco complained on Thursday that Louisiana is not getting its fair share of hurricane aid from the federal government.Blanco said that Louisiana suffered 70 percent of the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina but that it is not getting an equivalent amount in aid."We are all American citizens, we cannot allow ourselves to be treated like second-class citizens,"the governor said during an update on rebuilding tothe New Orleans city council.Sam Jones, Blanco's deputy director of community programs, pointed out that Louisiana got only $6.2billion out of $11.5 billion in Community Development Block Grants that were recently approved by Congress and President Bush."
Now, I am not a brilliant mathematician, but 6.2 billion subtracted from 11.5 billion is well over half of the money allotted to these grants. I would hazard a guess here and say that for a state that supposedly took "over 70 percent" of the damage, they are getting more than half of the money set aside for restoration. Mathematically, that means they have a greater share than the rest. In common terms, the lion's share. In reality, Gov. Blanco and her staff are fucking morons and to hold the position of Governor, you should be able to do simple fucking third grade math. Fuck you liberal idiots. Shut up, and get off your asses and help rebuild the state and stop waiting for the rest of the country to do it for you. Assholes.


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