Monday, January 09, 2006

Don't You Realize You're Already Dead?

All of you liberal pansies are running around decrying anything and everything the government is doing because you are whiny, hand-holding, bitchy, sore losers. You don't endorse anything unless it is everyone but you giving to anyone that doesn't deserve. If that confused you, it is because you are a liberal. I will translate, my paycheck is not for anyone but me. I do not and will never give money that I work for to some worthless piece of shit who rides the government gravy train called welfare and refuses to get off their fat, crack smoking, kid-shitting, ass and go earn a fucking living. I don't give a fuck if their babies daddy never came home after their night of back alley grinding. Not my fucking problem. People in third world countries don't seem to have any problems getting into this country and draining our resources paid for by my taxes, therefore, I have no problem keeping the money I make for my own needs. I don't care if an earthquake flattens an overpopulated corner of Haji-land because it reduces the number of fanatics who hate us and want us dead. The media have been irresponsible in reporting the efforts and successes we have had fighting these fanatical fucks. The link will give you more details, but in a nutshell, the media in this country don't care if anyone here gets gassed or infected with a biological warfare agent or if a nuke vaporizes a city because they hate the government and they want to be the ones with the exclusive story on how despite the best efforts, people died anyway. Wake up people, the media is out to get you, and they will have no reservation to interview the haji fuck claiming responsibility for killing anyone in this country. When you see Anderson Cooper or that midget fuck Wolf Blitzer standing in what used to be Downtown, showing images of blown apart Americans you will understand that you could have stopped these fucks long ago and let the people who know do their jobs. People here need to remember that they are the target, not soldiers, but the people the soldiers protect. Don't even come to me when it happens as I shoot first and will be using you for meat.


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