Friday, January 06, 2006

An Example To Follow

The guy without pants has just been blown up by a shitbag insurgent who set a trap for a U.S. Marine/soldier. This guy has been disposing of roadside bombs and ordnance in Iraq and has done a couple tours. He realized at the last second that he had been suckered into the trap. The haji detonated the bomb and launched this guy into orbit. He thought he was dead. Everyone thought he was dead. When they rushed to his aid, checked him out, and realized he wasn't dead, still had his legs, and was able to walk, (after cutting his pants off to perform first aid) he stood up, walked to the ambulance, and gave the haji's the international gesture of defiance. The one finger salute, the bird, the ole' sit n' spin. I would like to pass it on, and reiterate, FUCK YOU HAJI!!!!! I am sure this guy would also like to include every tree hugging cowardly, shitbag liberal in this country so FUCK YOU TOO!


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