Monday, March 20, 2006

Fire Congress

All of you working stiffs out there, sit down and hang on to your pants. If anyone is confused by the term 'working stiff', that generally means anyone who is not a liberal as they generally do not work. Our elected officials in congress will put their best effort forth this year, the best any congress has ever seen in history. They will work a total of 97 days. That is a week more than three months. The lowest paid congressman will bring home $165,000 or more for this herculean effort, roughly $142 an hour. They will further be rewarded by not having to pay social security and have legions of staff to do their menial tasks as well as world class financial advisors to minimize if not eliminate any taxes they will pay. These fucks have decided to push the envelope even more by taking a week off for St. Patrick's Day, which last time I checked, WAS NOT A FUCKING HOLIDAY. Any one of the masses who work for a living knows all too well that you can and will get fired for not showing up to work for the majority of the year, and you sure won't get a full years pay for only three months of work. Also, how many working class people get to take all of January off, three weeks for Christmas, all of November, then a week off for St. Patricks day and get all of your pay and benefits? NONE. It is time to put these fucks in their place and vote them out of office and elect people that will do their god damn job. For all of you working at the NSA or FBI or other alphabet agency, this isn't a call to revolution, it is a demand for accountable representation. The assholes in office, democrats and republicans alike, have built an empire for themselves and raped the people who put them there. They are a fucking disgrace to every elected official before them, as well as the founding fathers. The congress was originally populated by people who were of the people, not these richy rich frat boys who were of privilidged descent and they worked for free. It is time to get back to basics and remind everyone that being a congressman means actually doing what you were elected to do-represent your people. Fucking high school kids work more in the summer than these fucks do all year. These asshats disgust me. If I were elected, I would give any money above what I make now back to the programs that needed the funds. I damn sure would be working every day since that is what the people who elect you expect. I would also not be shy about exposing the excessive bullshit that these incumbant fucks are getting away with. Fuck Congress.


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