Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hillary Clinton Is Still An Idiot

Apparently, when Hillary decided to lay down the law with bill after that whole embarrassing 'dubai port deal' went awry, Bill didn't listen so good. Hillary took alot of shit for being vehemently opposed to the UAE buying out a british port firm taking control of some ports here when her husband was pioneering the deal to make it go through. Hillary had pulled him aside (probably by his testicles) and made it clear that since he wasn't a politician anymore and she was, she calls the shots now. I guess Bill ignored that since one of his drivers was just arrested and jailed for being an illegal alien and skipping out on court appearances and deportation hearings. Oh yeah, he was an Arab too. I guess Hillary will be none too pleased since she is trying to portray herself as being strong on National security and immigration issues. Apparently, Bill neglected to remember that knowingly hiring an illegal alien is against the law and can result in some nasty penalties. I don't think Hillary will be putting out for him for a while. Although, neither of them have been known for following the rule of law very well. Hillary should quit while she is ahead, her constituants in NY are pissed off at her since they believe she is going to abandon NY and run for the presidency, and her husband is doing everything she says she is against under her nose. If she can't manage her own family, how the fuck is she going to manage this country? Hopefully a giant ball of frozen airplane waste will fall from the sky and punch her ugly ass through the pavement so we won't have to worry about a president who gets a little too emotional every month for a week with a nuclear trigger in her pocket. Bill, if you ever read this, buy your wife a better vibrator so she will calm the fuck down, and I am sure you would be pardoned by W if you accidentally choked the fuck out of her during rough sex and she died. Pretty sure you'd be forgiven for that. I know I would forgive you.


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