Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I Think We May Be Screwed.

And by "we", I mean anyone who doesn't know me or know how to handle a really bad situation like a hurricane or terrorist attack. The government has decided to go the route of letting people know that in the event of a large scale disaster, the general public is on it's own. I completely endorse this mentality and believe that a few well placed hurricanes and possibly a nice 7+ magnitude quake on the left coast will rid this country of a lot of problems. Especially if the state and federal governments aren't going to pour a shit ton of money into a bunch of able bodied leeches hands like they did after Katrina/Wilma/Rita last year. Most of the people in New Orleans were able to leave, but refused and therefore got fucked. The government, and by proxy, the rest of the countries tax payers should not have to hold these fuckers hands because they lack the inherent sense to flee danger that even a common housefly has. I applaud the measure the government is taking and I will do everything in my power in the event of an emergency to ensure you liberal fucks can't interfere with my survival. If you knock on my door, and I don't know you, you run the risk of becoming food for any stray animals that I may find as I make my egress to safety. If you are in need of medical supplies or water or food or shelter, you need to know that the only ways I will part with any of these things willingly is either grossly overcharging you (think 200$ for half a snickers bar) or with a whole lot of really disgusting sexual favors. (4-5 hours of my imagination for half a snickers bar) Otherwise, you had best have more firepower than I do. (think gun show in my closet) Hopefully the upcoming hurricane season will get rid of a lot of you whiny liberal fucks as well as all of you slugs that are sucking the welfare tit like your parents did. Fucking douchebag liberals.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Step One: Remove Head From Rectum. Step Two: Get A Clue

All month we have been bent over an fucked hard over this whole immigration issue and whether or not to allow the 12 million tax dodging, law breaking, government program draining, parasitic, illegal aliens the priviledge of staying here or kicking them out in accordance with existing law. Now congress in it's finite scope of view and limited wisdom has seen fit to produce various legislation in hopes the masses will think they are taking on this juggernaut of an issue and allow them to keep their jobs in November. They believe if they say they are working on something, even though it will never become law, the masses will forget they are a bunch of lazy, bloated, inept, fuckheads who can't do anything but fuck things up. That, and the fact they will have only worked 97 days out of this year. Unacceptable. Fire these leeches and get some productive people in there. Let's just make sure everyone is on the same page; Congress is not doing anything to help the immigration situation. The illegals are pouring across the border in record numbers with state support from their home countries. That is known as an INVASION which is technically an act of war. There should also be no doubt in anyone's mind that we are the ONLY country that allows itself to be invaded by millions of foreign entities. Every other country, no matter how poor, defends itself in it's best capacity. Even little poverty stricken African countries fight back. The very first thing that congress should have done was declare war on Mexico after Mexico refused to control it's people and was found to be materially helping it's citizens invade. Second, the border should have been put under martial law, and militarized so as to avoid the bitchy, useless ACLU from whining about Posse Commitatus and the unlawful deployment of federal troops to control the border. Third, Mexico should have been bombed for it's complicity in the importation of drugs, via it's military, into our country. If a military unit crosses a border, it IS an act of war. No more coddling or hand holding the swarms of illegals here. Every American needs to step up and report illegal aliens to the authorities, especially businesses that hire them and scoff the law. Fine them until they go bankrupt if necessary. This wave of liberal bullshit about amnesty and government programs and paths to citizenship are all election year bullshit. The real solution is the enforcement of the existing laws. Disagree? Fuck you. Get a clue or get out of my country you hippie.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hey Immigrant Rally People, Check This Out

ter·ror·ism -"The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments,often for ideological or political reasons." -American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,Fourth Edition

By shutting down certain cities, or even portions of cities, these protestors were : Keeping children out of school, Hampering the abilities of local law enforcement to enforce the law,Hampering the abilities of first responders to respond to car accidents, fires, people having heart attacks,and hampering their ability to transport them to the hospital. Hampering the abilities of local mass transit systems to operate properly. Causing financial harm to local businesses regardless of whether or not those businesses have harmed them,resulting in a nationwide economic impact. Advocating the breaking of our laws by demanding, yes demanding, that illegal immigrants be given amnesty.
All of you liberal fuckheads were aiding and abetting, not to mention taking part, knowingly, in an unlawful assembly; which was not protected under the constitution as a protest is legal insofar as no crimes are committed by the protestors. As everyone knows, once you have illegal aliens in your group, they are not entitled the rights we are under the constitution and voila, you are now committing a crime as you are helping terrorists. Fuck all of you liberals and all of you lazy illegals who are trying to subvert and conquer this country. When you try to rise up, I will be out there fighting you and your socialist handlers that call themselves liberals.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Day Without Immigrants An Act Of Terrorism.

I loved the way today went, I was expecting a total nightmare in traffic this morning and my usual 40 minute drive was a pleasant 12 minute commute to work. Apparently, all of the illegals, their douchebag liberal supporters, and anyone too scared to express their opinion, skipped out today leaving the rest of us (the workers) an easy drive. I say continue on and keep my commute time down to a respectable level. Also, just so you fucks understand something, what all of these illegals and supporters are doing is known as terrorism. Plain and simple. Look it up if you doubt me, the stated goal of these protests was to shut down cities across the country and to cripple the economy to cause a change. This is a definitive form of terrorism as they are harming the country. Not to mention the fact that we have been invaded by a force of 12 million people which is larger than any military on the planet. The citizens and the government need to wake up and realize this is a hostile takeover and take steps to repel these parasites back to their third world shithole. I hope the headline tomorrow reads something like "rallies a success, 12 million illegals fired for skipping work". That would make my day. Fucking liberals and fucking illegals. Evict them all to the nearest border, in my case, that's the Atlantic ocean.