Monday, May 01, 2006

Day Without Immigrants An Act Of Terrorism.

I loved the way today went, I was expecting a total nightmare in traffic this morning and my usual 40 minute drive was a pleasant 12 minute commute to work. Apparently, all of the illegals, their douchebag liberal supporters, and anyone too scared to express their opinion, skipped out today leaving the rest of us (the workers) an easy drive. I say continue on and keep my commute time down to a respectable level. Also, just so you fucks understand something, what all of these illegals and supporters are doing is known as terrorism. Plain and simple. Look it up if you doubt me, the stated goal of these protests was to shut down cities across the country and to cripple the economy to cause a change. This is a definitive form of terrorism as they are harming the country. Not to mention the fact that we have been invaded by a force of 12 million people which is larger than any military on the planet. The citizens and the government need to wake up and realize this is a hostile takeover and take steps to repel these parasites back to their third world shithole. I hope the headline tomorrow reads something like "rallies a success, 12 million illegals fired for skipping work". That would make my day. Fucking liberals and fucking illegals. Evict them all to the nearest border, in my case, that's the Atlantic ocean.


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