Friday, June 30, 2006

Proof Positive That Underpants Gnomes Exist

And hide in haji asses. Here we see one emerging from his lair to scope out and pilfer underpants.
Better hope these guys didn't eat mexican food last night or he may be in trouble.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hamas Is About To Really Recognize Israel

Just not the way they thought they would. Israel has already cut the power and water to the whole Gaza strip, and blown up three bridges and the only power station they have. This means all of those little Hamas fucks and all of their little jihadi supporters have no water, and no power, it is well over 100 degrees, and they are now going to get fucked. The israelis have even done a fly-by of the syrian president's house to let him know they are going to shove a rocket in his ass if they don't get their guy back. With any luck, they will push all of those fucks right into the sea and send the message that the west bank and golan heights haji fucks better watch their asses or they get it next. For those of you who haven't noticed, I have a new link up for a great site: The Religion of What a great site! It documents all sorts of shit haji's around the world are doing and it is quite disturbing. Hope you all check it out and see exactly what these haji's have in mind for the world.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Aaron Spelling Is Dead, Tori Is Now Unemployed

Usually, it is a sad thing when someone dies. With Aaron Spelling gone, we have some new positives from his death. First, no more shows that make you want to grow a vagina and cry all the time. Second, Tori Spelling will probably never work again, which is just excellent. The only reason she ever got a job on a TV show was because her dad put her on his productions. She is a no talent hag, and now she can rejoin the ranks of the other wanna-be hacks in L.A. Maybe she can use some inheritance and fix her face, at least then she could do porn movies. As long as she never spoke, anyways. No more stupid shows about teen life in Beverly Hills, or stories about the struggle of super rich and popular kids living the fast life in L.A. No more soap opera-esque shows about a wealthy inbred family trying to retain control of an empire. The era of shitty shows is over. Of course, there are others producing pure shit on TV, the american idol and spin-offs are a good example of trash on TV. Oprah is another great example of what is wrong with this country. Watching these shows makes anyone with half a brain instantly retarded, and they are the types of shows that all of you sheep are getting suckered into watching. Try turning off the TV when someone is watching, you will see what I mean. It is like taking a pork chop from a pit bull. It also proves what I have said all along-these shows are harmful garbage. If you are a fan, go fuck yourself and get a life. There is a huge world outside your door, if you can get your vagina unstuck from the vinyl couch cushion, you can go explore it.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Why Aren't We Shooting Journalists Yet?

When is it ever acceptable to publish the tactics used to catch terrorists? Never. When is it acceptable to publicly display sensitive or classified information? Never. Why does the fucking media in our country continue to do this? Because we aren't shooting them for treason, that's why. I am all about the first amendment and freedom of speech, but why do we allow these liberal hippie douchebag reporters continue to draw air when they air classified tactics or materials to the public and the terrorists that are in the masses? They should be rounded up and shot, publicly and televised to the masses.
Another thing, we hear all of the whiny bullshit from the media and the fat-assed hippies and lazy fucking congressmen who constantly complain that some murdering haji terrorist fuckhead in Guantanamo didn't get to pray today because he tried to bite off a guards ear and so we are torturing him by confining him or that they might have had their feelings hurt when a female interrogated them, but we haven't heard peep one from these same fucking liberal assholes when we had two of our own soldiers kidnapped, tortured, and killed by the same fucking murdering haji terrorist types? What the fuck people? We take a picture of a naked haji pyramid, and the whole world condemns us, the same fucks torture and mutilate our soldiers and not even a word? I am disgusted. I hope everyone of you liberal fucks who bitched about the so-called torture that happened at abu ghraib and guantanamo and stayed quiet about this gets your rectums removed by a rabid opossum. You fucks are exactly the reason the haji's continue this shit, you are their audience. You dumbasses are going to be their eventual victims and when that happens, I will be there, to tell you "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" May a thousand haji's defile your asses, you liberal trash.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Angelina Jolie Must Be Stopped!

Apparently, this psycho bitch thinks that children are an accessory, and she is looking to add yet another crumb snatcher to her collection of mewling, drooling, third world cast-outs, that even third world parents didn't want. She is evidently going for a Benetton ad as her new selection is going to be race and gender matched for 'balance' with the other kids she has acquired over the last few years. I guess shitting a kid wasn't good enough for her, now she wants to pick up another kid, like getting a gallon of milk at the store on the way home from work. This shit needs to stop, and the fucking douchebags that keep allowing her to do this need to be sterilized and shot. Usually, people are outraged when some wealthy white person goes to another country to buy a child, she is apparently the exception and is encouraged to continue doing this. I know one of you liberal suck-asses are going to say something stupid like' she's just helping a poor child who wouldn't get a fair shake in their home country' or 'she is taking up a noble cause against poverty' - BULLSHIT. If she wanted to help out a poor kid, she could go downtown L.A. or NYC, or ANYWHERE in this country and contribute back to the population that made her rich. Instead, she is building her very own cabbage patch kid collection made out of real kids. Disgusting. I hope she gets run over by a leaking tallow truck and then picked at by crows. Fucking whore.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Hillary Clinton's Secret

This is an old, yet still excellent, cover of the queen shrew. I think it is also the most accurate depiction of that fucking hag. I bet she does have balls, they may not be hers by birth, but possession is 9/10ths as they say.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Zarqawi Meets The Twins

And by twins, I mean the two JDAM 500 pound high explosive bombs that blew his ass to hell. Ding dong the BITCH IS DEAD! All you haji fucks take notice, you fuck with us we fucking kill you. All you liberals take note, you are the wrong people to say how to win this; it takes a real American to pull that trigger, not some sniveling, hippie douchebag that tries to hold the enemies hand and try to make them our friends. Behold-the once scary boogeyman zarqawi, now a maggot buffet!