Friday, April 07, 2006

Hey, Where'd Congress Go?

These douchebags make me want to vomit. They are taking another 2 weeks off for Easter. The rest of us get a big ol' weiner in the ass because we will all have to go back to work after easter. Except the shitbag welfare suckheads and the lazy asswipes from New Orleans that are expecting the rest of us to rebuild their home, and the fucking illegals soaking up our tax dollars because their petri dish anchor baby has some mystery disease and no insurance. The rest of us get fucked so we can pay for all of that, AND so our hardly working representatives can go suck some cocks to try and keep themselves in office and relax on our dime. I think it is the right time for a change; everyone needs to get their friends and family and neighbors together and when November rolls around, vote these incumbent assholes out and bring in some fresh people who are eager to work. I mean everyone of them too, kennedy, kerry, clinton, pelosi,hastert, et al. No exceptions, all of them. Let's start off right, new congress for a new president. I am not saying change party control, I am saying get these fucks out and bring new people in. No more earmarks, no more add ons to bills. I don't want to pay for a study on waterless urinals for the Navy when the Army just did the same study and the data is available. Just make a copy, change the name from Army to Navy and there you have it. I also don't want to know why certain people like to eat sticks of butter. Why are my taxes paying for that? I think we need to send a strong message to these fucks that their shenanigans are no longer tolerated and we as their constituents and tax payers expect them to be at work dealing with our issues and not out running the roads. 97 days of work are not enough for the money they are being paid. Time to give them notice and find new hires. Fuck Congress, especially the democrats.


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