Tuesday, April 11, 2006

If Illegal Aliens Aren't Illegal, Then Why Do We Have Laws?

This fiasco is a result of liberal hippies renaming everything that they disagree with to make it sound horrible to oppose. First they stopped calling illegal aliens 'illegal' and switched to undocumented. 'undocumented' sounds like you left your wallet at home, doesn't it? It sure doesn't sound 'illegal'. Then they said illegal aliens are entitled to the things our citizens and soldiers earned and fought for because illegal aliens are people too. Sounds good, except that illegal aliens suck up the resources and leave us with shit. Sure we get our lawns mowed and our sheets changed and our fruit picked, but we are throwing money into a pit from where it will not return. The latest scam is to accuse anyone opposed to deporting these parasites and making them come back legally, a racist. I am not quite sure how you get racism out of wanting people to follow the rules, but ok, I will play along. I also want to know where these fucking hippies found the part in the constitution that illegal aliens or other non-citizens are entitled to our rights. They aren't because they AREN'T CITIZENS. I also want to know how the catholic church is going to defend itself when this immigration law goes through and illegal aliens are criminalized, and they are aiding and abetting known criminals. I want to know how they intend on justifying themselves in court when they get hauled in. I guess if they are sticking to their guns on this, a murderer can go to any catholic church or catholic for that matter, tell them he needs a place to stay and some food, and they HAVE to take him in and take care of him. The catholics need to understand that the whole 'least of my brothers' thing is a noble idea, but has it's limits. God helps those who help themselves, the rest go to the soup kitchen. Hopefully, the bird flu will reconcile the books a bit and shave a few million people out of the ranks of humanity and we can block the border to prevent further contamination. I know congress isn't much help, they barely work and when they are around they can't get shit done. Why, here is Hillary describing the size of her ass to a group of people. Really productive, huh?


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