Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ok, Who Wound Up The Liberal Chuckleheads Today?

What the fuck people? I was in such a great mood. Really. Then I see my ol' nemesis Barbra Streisand was running rampant, decrying some unauthorized biography of her depicting her as the raging psycho bitch she is. She was ranting about how none of her friends were quoted as sources and that it was all lies in the book. Like people are going to believe that shit? She has already ruined her credibility in the average americans mind since she hopped the liberal asshat train to fantasyland and started badmouthing the country and anyone who is a republican. Also, the crackhead from Dekalb County, Cynthia Mckinney opened her suckhole again and decided she makes the rules when it comes to what journalists can or cannot print. She was calling her communications director a "fool" while being taped and filmed by journalists, then realized she had her foot in her giant sewer of a mouth and told the journalist that her statement was off the record. Nice try bitch, but you have to tell them it was off the record before and after your statement, and what they got was a wonderful soundbite of you being you- a total lunatic and powergrubbing psycho bitch. I hope the guy you bad mouthed sues your ass for slander. I think I would contribute to his legal fund. I definitely will donate to the cop you punched when he decides to sue your ass you piece of shit. Hopefully, Mckinney and all of her asshat counterparts in Congress will be fired this election year and we can have a fresh start of the legislative branch and get some shit done around here. Fucking liberals.


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