Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Immigrants Rally, Shoot Selves In Foot.

I was pretty tickled when I started hearing about the illegal aliens getting fired from their jobs that they failed to show up for when they were out protesting their lack of rights as non-citizens in this country. I was also trying to hold back uproarious laughter when I heard there was going to be a "DAY WITHOUT IMMIGRANTS" on May 1st. I guess every illegal alien in the country is supposed to skip work, school, whatever, and protest, boycott, hold vigils, rally, and generally make normal people miserable by clogging traffic. On the bright side, since all these illegal fucks are leaving work that day and sending a clear message to employers that they are willing to bite the hand that feeds them, I am betting there will be a lot of unemployed illegals on May 2nd. Fire every fucking one of them and hire some homeless guy or Katrina evacuee. Not only that, but these rallies will make it a snap for the INS and ICE to arrest and deport these leeches back to their cesspool of origin. I also found out that Halliburton just was awarded a contract to build mass detention centers in the states for holding an 'emergency influx' of illegal aliens. I guess Big Brother has it's good points too. I can only hope that the cattle in this country known as the average voter figures out that unless we stem the flow of illegal immigrants pouring over our borders and soon, we will not have anything to call a border much less a country. For all you 'immigrants rights' people, I want you to think about something, no other country on the planet allows people to stroll into their country and demand anything. Try walking into Mexico and demanding to have someone in the government do anything for you. I dare you. When you get out of Mexican prison, let me know how your experience was. These illegals are looking a gift horse in the mouth and you fucks are trying to subvert the system that has been working. Too many people are trying to get in here illegally and they are draining our resources that taxpayers are footing the bill for. These fucks aren't paying taxes and they aren't entitled to anything in this country that citizens are entitled to. I call every time I find an illegal alien working someplace or even if they are sitting around. I suggest more people do the same so we can enjoy the resources we are being taxed for. If any of you anchor baby lovers wants to debate me on this, I suggest you remove your head from your ass first as I will be so far down your throat you will need to make the room.


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