Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Natural Hallucinogen

I figured this would be a nice change from the usual venomous rhetoric, just watch and follow the directions, then immediately go driving.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bomb Iran clip

Another great video from a likeminded person! Nuke em' til they glow, shoot em' in the dark!
Muslim Rave Party '06

Whoever came up with this, I hope they make more. This is probably the best way to show how mentally unstable these haji fucks are. Catchy soundtrack too!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ted Kennedy Kills Another Woman Using The Big Dig

And I am sure he will get away with it. All of you liberals out there need to wake up and get rid of that whole crew running the socialist republic of massachusetts before they bankrupt and kill you all. It doesn't take 20 years to build a tunnel, much less a highway. The BILLIONS of dollars that Kennedy and Kerry have earmarked for highway funds in past legislation to keep getting kickbacks and pad their retirement accounts needs to be stemmed. If the people in Boston can't figure out how to build and complete this project, it needs to be scrapped or someone with the ability to do the job needs to be brought in. The fact that the governor sacked the head of the highway department and the scene is being handled as a crime scene should tell you something. The lady who died will likely never be avanged, and the bloated politicians that have been thriving on the contract kickbacks for the better part of 20 years will likely never face justice. Just goes to show you how wonderful liberals are. They kill people and get away with it. If you don't believe me, ask Mary Jo Kopechne or any of the Clinton's friends. By the way, they are all dead too. Fucking liberals.

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Haji Prison Radicalization Problem Solved!

The europeans are realizing as are the powers that be in the U.S. that there are a number of prisoners that are being converted and programmed to the violent radical islamic mindset while behind bars. These newly trained and violent haji fucks are then recruiting others and when they are released, go on their merry way of plotting to kill everyone that they don't like. I can solve the problem easily. EXECUTE MORE PRISONERS! It is really that easy. Instead of allowing these fucks to waste our money and resources and tax our legal system to the breaking point, we could just kill them more rapidly. No more endless years of appeals and overtures to the public for mercy; just a swift and painful execution. Of course, we make the death penalty part of the prime time line up and I think we would have a hit. If you committed a violent crime, you get one appeal, if it fails-you die that night. Of course, the less violent offenders are also at risk of this behavioural conversion so we dump them off on an atoll out in the middle of the ocean and allow them to live out the rest of their lives in peace with their ilk, and no more worries. We don't have to feed them, provide them shelter, nothing. They will have everything they need on that little patch of sand. Of course they will have to figure it out on their own so I suspect Darwin will take his toll, but so what? Let's just start showing the world that we do in fact have the stones to make them miserable and that if they continue to fuck with us we will stomp a hole in their chest. Start a campaign of attrition that they cannot recover from. It is the only thing they respect. If they blow up a bus, we evaporate one of their cities. If they hijack a plane, we destroy their entire food supply. Eventually, they will stop because they cannot compete on a large scale with us. Even the russians had a hard time doing that. It is time to take off the gloves and show them what it is to truly suffer. Fucking hajis.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

New Fashion From Paris; Children As Accessories!

Ok, I couldn't resist, mostly because of my co-worker (you know who you are, jerk) had to exacerbate the aneurism I was suffering and repeated the most horrible thing I had heard in a while- Paris Hilton wants CHILDREN. I think that I had three major strokes when I read that, and then as the pain was subsiding, my dear co-worker brings it up: 'Hey, did you hear Paris Hilton wants..." I pretty much lost my mind there. I thought I was going to die as this surely is the rapture come to take us all. In NO way, should Paris Hilton EVER, be allowed to breed. I don't think my balls could take that. This is the same idiot who couldn't understand why the airlines refused her a seat when she tried to board with six wild animals that she has as pets. This is the same fucking airheaded idiot who uses pets as accessories for her outfits when she goes out on the town. The same fucking waste of GODDAMNED SPACE, THAT CAN'T FIGURE OUT SIMPLE FUCKING THINGS like animals require food and water and don't like being STUFFED INTO PURSES!!!!!!! Jeez, why can't someone just kill this bitch so no more can be made? I can see the newest show on FOX next year, "BAD MOM DECATHALON: Who can harm their children more?" It will have Anjelina Jolie, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Courtney Love competing with their fuck trophies against each other in simple contests. Little events like setting the kid on the counter next to a boiling pot of gravy and then walking away. OR letting the child use a steam iron unsupervised. OR the main event, carrying the kid, talking on the phone, signing autographs, running from cameramen and drinking alcohol, all at the same time and they do it for time and distance. I would watch it, and I think it would blow American Idiot out of the water. Let's hope this bimbo gets drunk again and runs herself over with her fucking dented bentley and puts herself out of commission.

Evict Cindy Sheehan!

Apparently, starving yourself will kill brain cells and hinder your judgement. Not that cindy shithead ever had a brain or good judgement. This fruity bitch is on a hunger strike to try and make the government bring all the troops home. I hope she fucking starves to death and the day after she dies, they say 'ya know, maybe we should bring home the troops. That would be swell.' Again, it demonstrates the fact that most people are fucking sheep and need to be dealt with as such. I would like nothing more than to see a giant ball of frozen airplane sewage hit that fuckstick square in the face while she is whining on TV to her hippie fan base. The sad thing is, that most of her audience are kids who can't fucking vote and are too stupid to know what the real situation is in the world today. Somebody grab the brain bleach and pour a generous amount into that gene pool. Maybe killing that dumb whore is too extreme; maybe we should escort her to the nearest border and throw her over it. I would like to offer my services; my business services that is, to any liberal or like minded person including cindy sheehan. Look me up, my company website is: I will help you move . com. I will come to you, pack your things and move you out of this horrible, horrible country so you can enjoy the freedoms you think you have elsewhere. The only conditions I have for my services are you must give me your passport, birth certificate, social security card, and all other forms of government identification that would identify you as a US citizen. I will not keep them, rather you will insert them into an industrial cross cut shredder and the resulting shreds will then be burned. This ensures you don't come back and are free to live the unoppressed life anywhere but here. I also only go to the nearest border, in my case, that is the Atlantic ocean so please be a strong swimmer. Man I fucking hope this bitch falls victim to a nasty cheesegrating accident and dies. Fucking liberal assclowns.